98230626 or 96502816 info@kjemstudentcare.com
KJEM supports the parents to educate, care and inculcate good values

Children aged 7 years (Pri 1) to 14 years (Sec 2)

Children’s holistic development

Children to have a homey and fun-learning place, before and after school

Welcome to Our Family

KJEM provideS the following services


Supervision of Children’s Homework


Organised Play, Preparatory Classes


Tuition, Enrichment and Recreational Activities


Organise Excursion Trips and Camps

What others say


“Thanks for the great service. Thank you so much for your help.”

– Mom Juvie

“Dear KJEM mommies, you inspire me towards your passion and grit. We believe that your service will go a long way!”

– Ms. Nina

“Alone we are smart, Together we are brilliant”

To provide a continuum of care and support working parents